
Dealing With Mood Swings As A Christian

I woke up feeling some type of way on Sunday morning. Sadly, I let my mood get the better of me. Thank God for church. Sometime during the service, I felt better (my mood switched back around…lol). The episode brings to remembrance my university days. God bless the friends who understood my mood swings and the ones who did not understand, Well…God bless them too. I am an introvert but I just need to emphasise that introversion is not synonymous with moodiness as several people think. In fact being an introvert is not wrong. I am one of those introverts who sometimes comes off as an extrovert. I love solitude and most times, I enjoy my own company and I HATE small talk.

Anyway, back to mood swings. Overly being moody could ruin relationships. Good thing our God is a miracle working God. Back in the day, I used to have mood swings constantly (every week, every 3-4 days) and I literally felt God made me that way. How wrong I was. Now, I could go months without being moody. Think of the word of God as a mood enhancer or mood elevator. Here are a few things that helped me overcome mood swings:

1) Daily studying the word of God and praying. That’s a major mood booster right there!!!!!! Trust me. Romans 15:4

2) Songs of praise and worship. I could recommend a few if you would like. You could also read and meditate on some psalms of praise and worship (Psalm 138, psalm 9)

3) Many times, mood swings are as a result of jealousy, insecurity, anger, hate, stress, intimidation, sadness, feeling overwhelmed or consumed by the world, feeling no one likes you etc. Only the word of God can help you overcome these. The following verses could help:

Jeremiah 31:3, Song of Solomon 4:7, Psalm 139:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17, James 4:2-3, John 13:14, Joshua 1:9, 1 Timothy 4:12, 1 John 2:15-17, 1 Peter 6:7, Proverbs 29:11.

4) Remember what Philippians 4:4 says. Always remember. Memorise it, write it out and post on the fridge or someplace where you will always see it. Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say unto you, Rejoice.